- Eniwa valley the cascade of 3 steps
http://hinajii20071129.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/10/post-b5df.html The day before yesterday, it tried going to the 或 [ru] Eniwa valley of popularity with the tinted autumn leaves Anteontem, ele ir experimentado ao vale de Eniwa do 或 [ru] da popularidade com as folhas de outono matizadas
- Cascade ~ Kawamata of medium zen buddhism temple lake ~ winding stem<2011 tinted autumn leaves>
http://hachapp.cocolog-nifty.com/diary/2011/10/2011-408a.html With [ribenji] of the day before yesterday taking the day off in weekday, to the sunlight Com [ribenji] anteontem de tomar o dia livre no dia útil, à luz solar
- Fall, the winter exists together from the summer
http://skybaymarine.way-nifty.com/room/2011/10/post-c0d2.html The day before yesterday “marbling” of 24 seasonal datum point, a liberal translation Anteontem “marmoreando” de 24 pontos de referência sazonais
- Mountain-climbing of [matsuki]: Seedling place mountain of tinted autumn leaves… part 2: Descent road to high moor and dragon gong
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/hps_tokyo/e/302ca46e709c7fa8ed063313cf8288e9 As for first the interchange where the companion who cannot put the air is pleasant, as for second view of the fall of the unusual high moor, as for third the laurel forest which color vividly takes on autumnal tints it is skill to be possible freely Como para primeiramente o intercâmbio onde o companheiro que não pode põr o ar é agradável, quanto para à segunda ideia da queda da elevação incomun amarre, quanto para ao terceira a floresta do louro que colorem vìvida toma em matizes que outonais é habilidade a ser possível livremente
Autumn leaves, Leisure, Nature,