- Sword mountain tinted autumn leaves, a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/hira_kin2005/29676223.html With thinking only throwing sending contribution, when it goes to work, because it received one day waiting in vain with circumstances of [toranpo] of the customer with respect to destination, that way go wild from displeasure Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.
- Although the extent expert which collects materials the television it is not!, a liberal translation
http://jun-suzuki.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/10/post-bb39.html “It starts going in any case!” “Comienza a ir en todo caso!”
- To distant park
http://sarabaryuyo.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/10/post-5a6e.html You played in any case well with the toy Usted jugó en todo caso bien con el juguete
- Fall, the seeing [tsu] [ke]!, a liberal translation
http://taiyou-miko2.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2011-10-22 In any case, to cooperate with the sisters, it does not keep corresponding to future it became necessary En todo caso, para cooperar con las hermanas, no guarda el corresponder al futuro que llegó a ser necesario
Autumn leaves, Leisure, Nature,