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○■ 今日は市内の小学 の入学式だっ... The form of the lovely first grade when today as been entrance ceremony of the small school of the city, in that this, the brand-new knapsack was shouldered
○■ The cherry tree it probab ly will rub, you see immediately, time?? With you say or, because… the kana where already also the full bloom is close (the ^^ HKDRT today the pattern which has entrance ceremony in the small school of neighborhood… feeling ♪ by his also the cherry tree is good being in time was the day off, when… going to the coin laundry from morning,… the new 1st grade family was happened to see
○■ 21:59 from tw... 21:59 fr om twitter for iphone (re: @haraguchi0207) However you chase in @haraguchi 2079 time and hurt and do don't you think? -! Don't you think? after a little was, the ^^; 22:01 from twitter for iphone (re: @hr_blue) @hr_blue it overtook well, -! Doing the [ma] -, the better seed - (' the ▽ `) no 22:01 from twitter for iphone that is [ii], don't you think? - ♪ “@shibao_875: Intention of @samacchi_ @nori_b4 [ate], and with food of [tsu] [pa] meal class shank (^^ HKDRT” 22:05 from twitter for iphone (re: @haraguchi0207) The @haraguchi0207 [u] - it is the ^^; It was regrettable! Next wins, - (' the ▽ `) even the no it is not defeated, don't you think? it is it is, ♪ 22:06 from twitter for iphone (re: @charle623) It seemed the @charle623 tired way, - (' the ▽ `) paying attention no, returning, don't you think? please be slow! 22:21 from twitter for android (re: @taka_nori129) As for @taka_nori129 - it was and the ♪ thank you, \ (^o^)/entrance ceremony it enjoyed, ♪ 22:49 from twitter for android (re: @charle623) @charle623 and others (the _) without going to bed roughly, the shank -! Physical condition management air
○■ Catch ball Saturday with the up-to-date article ethnic custom park “of flurried” category with the unfortunately rain as for the ogre outside! Cold outside! In large trick art spreading/displaying stone slide and fallen leaves clearing snow away, a liberal translation
○■ さて、私は熊本の 蘇地方で生... Well, I was born in Kumamoto Aso district
○■ 先日、桜吹雪きな ぬ雪のち... Some days ago, while the snow which is not the cherry tree snowstorm coming flickers, there was a entrance ceremony in the small school of area
○■ The up-to-date article of Ishii Masafumi” category be the [ma] [tsu] [ku] it does good morning, densely it is, it is the [wa] [tsu] coldly densely it is, it is the [wa] umbrella [gi] [ku] being, - densely it is, it is the horseradish - the [hu] densely it is, it is the [wa] [bi] rust
○■ 「消しゴムはんこ カテゴリの... “As for the eraser it is densely” from up-to-date article tomorrow of category new term* In the storm * as for the being similar face picture it is densely * * as for 3way it is densely * * as for message it is densely *
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