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○■ 4 gatsu ni iri �� ta kaku tsuma reteita yukikabe mo kyuugeki ni hikuku nari �� genzai ha shashin noyouna kanji desu
○■ sotsugyoushiki to nyuug akushiki ni �� sakura ha irodori wo soe tekurerunode �� konnen mo kirei ni sai te hoshii desu
○■ nyuugakushiki no seito daihyou aisatsu shita hou to dainamikku na hou to gouka menba^ de asobi masu ������ hisabisa da ���� tanoshimi ui (* ���� `*)
○■ The pad the eldest son as the university student, starts new, but has been planned entrance ceremony of Tokyo forum which with this earthquake disaster in the discontinuance
○■ You think that to entranc e ceremony rear approximately 40th, also everyone of the guardian is busy with various preparations, but don't you think? for the child who anticipates entrance, please persevere
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