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○■ やっぱりこの人、 馬さん?... After all this person and the steed?, a liberal translation
○■ Then while feeling at res t, looking at occasionally rear shaking the hand, as for also one time crying already one person boy entered into the same class which is not newly
○■ 明日はゆうやの入 式で仕事はお... Tomorrow with entrance ceremony of [yu] [u] and as for work day off, a liberal translation
○■ Because the teacher of ch arge and kindly so the ♪ small school are construction 2nd year, clean it puts out, it is comfortable environment!
○■ 幼稚園や保育園で ってた物でい... You use in the preschool and the nursery school to be the thing, saying, because the superior 輔 said,… So it does not make in the story with the rear classroom of previous sunset study type taking, it became, a liberal translation
○■ Entrance ceremony at the gymnasium where is far from the parent with only the friend who does not know many degrees looks back at rear, searches me
○■ 今日も入学式で忙 く、無断で写... Also today it was busy with entrance ceremony, the photograph making take with no permission, it received and after the entrance ceremony ending refused in the dietician, a liberal translation
○■ This year with the influe nce whose bloom of the cherry tree is slow, the cherry tree bloomed exactly cleanly in entrance ceremony
○■ ということで今日 製作より搬入... With the notion that where you say today has done carrying preparation from production
○■ 午後1時半から、 民文化ホー... From 1:30 PM, at the prefectural people cultural hole orange there was a entrance ceremony of the Kochi prefectural university, a liberal translation
○■ shikashi �� chokuze n ninatte �� nyuugakushiki no hanashi wo kiki �� tsui ���� konnen mo mon no tokoro �� o souji sasete kudasai ���� to �� kakkou wo tsukete itsutte shimaimashita
Entrance ceremony,
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