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○■ さて、3月のセレ トランチ当... Well, it is March selection lunch election number, a liberal translation
○■ Up-to-date article Siyuuh uu “of soliloquize” category you blow, - as for the ♪・・・ - the [ru] the [ru] it came, - the [ze] ♪・・・ it cleared up, - sign of the ♪・・・ fall? … Rain & rain & rain…
○■ 「今日の出来事」 テゴリの最... “The up-to-date article of present occurrence” category it is and one Tomari travelling echo cute of [chi] princess is broken the [kita] electric appliance calorifier…,… 2 weeks of busy = completeness it is, customer of [chi] princess
○■ 去年も冷房が効か くなって掃... Last year air-conditioning stopping being effective, it had cleaning, but is, the just a little part just was replaced, to there to see, it seems that the [re] is not
○■ 「日記」カテゴリ 最新記事... Up-to-date article April 3 Nippon University roughness April 2nd “of diary” category (month) going to work April 1st (day) appreciation and the lumber seat seashore to the wife the meter rice field (go is from here in the new workplace) spring, immediately to there…
○■ 今日は2番目の子 入学式でした... Today was entrance ceremony of the 2nd child, a liberal translation
○■ 16:23 from [mobatsui]/two period we younger sisters!! 16:26 rt from [mobatsui]/ we younger sister second period decision!! We ask may \ (^o^)/(the bamboo 彩 奈 [tsuito]) 16:36 from [mobatsui]/as for entrance ceremony better [yo]… 17:05 from echofon (re: @s_a_i_) It is @s_a_i_, don't you think? - to w Maebashi… 17:20 from echofon why we looking at age?… As for 17:42 from echofon tolove [ru] dark Ness tv animation conversion!! 17:59 from keitai web tomorrow after a long time school
○■ 卒業式・入学式時 に校庭を彩... The important flower which colors the schoolyard in graduation ceremony entrance ceremony time
○■ Don't you think? the up-t o-date article souvenir picture “of ray girl non tongue” category it persevered, Valentine chocolate entrance ceremony new taste, a liberal translation
○■ 「家族・うちの子 カテゴリの... It was up-to-date article physical education meeting “of child category of the family inside”
○■ “Be the varieties -” up-to-date article entrance ceremony (*^_^*) Sunday of category… The tray of the pad to go to bed (*^_^*) opening, m () m which you question are with the [me] and your good year - the ♪
○■ 最近の画像つき記
[ 画像一... Recent picture being attached article [to picture summary, a liberal translation
○■ dakara �� mainichi kayou daigaku no hibi wo muda ni sugo sazu �� juujitsu sasete hoshii to omoi masu
Entrance ceremony,
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