- So it became high
http://ameblo.jp/tsukigime/entry-11045657874.html But, shape was rather possible Но, форма была довольно возможна
- Spring of going on a journey
http://gs12bmw.at.webry.info/201203/article_9.html But, you could not pass away this Но, вы не смогли пройти прочь это
- The novel “the sky to be blue,” part 017 (reforming), a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/mac-key-ame/entry-10907450313.html But, with the ground, the Fukuoka field thick voice echoed, a liberal translation Но, с землей, голос поля Fukuoka толщиной вторил
- Yutaka south high school sports festival
http://swing-by.cocolog-nifty.com/swingby/2011/10/post-9394.html But, the “physical education conference” it was in the banner of the gland, a liberal translation Но, «конференция физического образования» оно находилось в знамени железы
- From south Aomori, Iwate, and Miyagi Prefectures 2011.3.11~2011.9.11, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/reppis55/entry-11110916321.html But, in addition as for this photograph collection you have shown also the strength of the people Но, в добавлении как для этого собрания фотоснимка вы показывали также прочность людей
- The Izumo post horse first victory!, a liberal translation
http://ishida-labo.seesaa.net/article/229826408.html But, 11 human pulling out were done in that Hakone, large Murase Tokai had chased at 5 rank of approximately 2 minute differences, a liberal translation Но, 11 людской вытягивать вне было сделан в том Hakone, большом Murase Токай погнали на ряде 5 приблизительно 2 мельчайших разниц
- shousetsu �� sora ha aoku ���� daiichibu
http://ameblo.jp/mac-key-ame/entry-10890962158.html But, ground phase those where it has been overturned were the weed Но, земной участок те где он был опрокинут были засорителем
- 'To increase the 錨, furthermore (on & under)' hundred rice fields the tree, a liberal translation
http://tio-y.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/05/post-9db5.html But, this happiness did not continue long Но, это счастье не продолжалось длиной
Entrance ceremony, japanese culture, Education,