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○■ 今年度の城西の入 式は、4月5...
○■ 「整体師の雑感」 テゴリの最...
○■ 2012/04/11...
○■ 最新号のvoiceに高 校長... recommendation , suggestions, consideration, sentiment , opinion , statument,
○■ 「雑記」カテゴリ 最新記事...
○■ 「子ども」カテゴ の最新記事... It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
○■ 入学式後にあった 室での説明... May be linked to more detailed information..
○■ 今日は市内の高校 午前)と中... To learn more, ask bloggers to link to.
○■ recent entries... These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
○■ 「本部運営」カテ リの最新記... These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
○■ このブログの人気 事
○■ 最近の画像つき記
[ 画像一...
○■ The urgent sewer, we aske d to the mother-in-law, accompanied boy 2, had to Tokyo two days ago
○■ 式に参加しない子 、すぐに... Because the child which does not participate in formula, assuming, that leave school the younger brothers and sisters enter directly, with participation failure, was the schedule which has being house-sitting at the house in formula it was grateful, is
○■ Morning the small school, it is junior high school from afternoon
○■ 今日も風が吹いて ます... The wind has blown also today
○■ So, today around this, th e small school was entrance ceremony
○■ それでも、校長先 のお話や... Even then, “it is vis-a-vis the word which the story of Mr. principal and the guest you celebrate the [tsu]!”It had replied with the voice which it is large clear, a liberal translation
○■ Also greeting as a second ary charge was [shiyoboshiyobo], (wry smile)
○■ 皆さんは、お花見 しみましたか... Did everyone enjoy Hanami?
○■ Truly good ~!! As with, y ou felt at rest, unless this world which again keeps growing in various direction (the autism) of future measure of the child is devised…With you thought
○■ 昨日は4名の方が えられなかっ... Yesterday it could not be visible 4
○■ Yesterday with little [ku ra] which was moved to Wednesday from April, a liberal translation
○■ 明日が高校の入学 です... Tomorrow is entrance ceremony of high school
○■ We enter New Year, but al so the university and the like is season of entrance ceremony, a liberal translation
○■ 小学校は午前中に 業式が行なわ... The small school commencement of work ceremony is done during morning, becomes entrance ceremony from afternoon, a liberal translation
○■ As for time of entrance c eremony although the full bloom it has started scattering, this year it is abnormal
○■ ついでに、先週下 子の誕生日が... Next, there was a birthday of the child under last week, a liberal translation
○■ Nevertheless,… the quic k parent it leaves, -, a liberal translation
○■ それから大急ぎで 路につきまし... Then but it was attached to the return route with the large hurrying, passing here the is sweets box of [rukua, a liberal translation