- It is heavy,…
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/ryomama2360/12431199.html Inhale - it is!! Today the rice column closed stripe shank always cute, a liberal translation Inale - é!! Hoje a pata fechado da listra da coluna do arroz sempre bonito
- It is Thanksgiving Day.
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/rjdnr845/35895092.html The wind has blown also today O vento fundiu igualmente hoje
- To call the snow of the spring,…
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/emiko_hana/e/a70b57afc7b2b643d9ef519c01173a98 Today the snow of yesterday freezing, the veranda the crane crane - - - such while being cold, today is entrance ceremony of the small inside Hoje a neve ontem da congelação, a varanda o guindaste do guindaste - - - tais quando estar frio, for hoje cerimónia da entrada do interior pequeno
Entrance ceremony, japanese culture, Education,