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○■ 今日は凄く大荒れ 天気です... Today when the shank towel it goes to drying enormously with turbulent weather, when going to work which becomes [sadako] because the light rain, it was suddenly also the cherry tree of the shrine before wish which the large quantity starts blooming started blooming from around yesterday which takes the fist as for entrance ceremony the photograph takes the cherry tree in the back may, don't you think? is, a liberal translation
○■ 桜の舞う季節の入 式。丸っき... Entrance ceremony of the season when the cherry tree whirls. The circular [tsu] drill new thing, seems that starts, it is accustomed to such a feeling.
○■ 昨日まであんなに ーカンの毎... Although so tweet everyday of the can was to yesterday, now morning from morning in signs of rain … The tennis section entering and, today, for [kouki], it was the expectation which is first regular game, a liberal translation
○■ Tomorrow [tsuitsuta] with 1st anniversary commemorations of the store which knows, have decided to send the flower as [saburai, a liberal translation
○■ 小学校になると、 愛い中にも... When it becomes the small school, it is lovely even in the adult [tsu] [po]? Is felt probably will be or.…━━━☆.…━━━☆.…━━━☆.…━━━☆.…━━━☆.…━━━☆.…━━━☆.…━━━☆.…━━━☆, a liberal translation
○■ 大阪府議会の、公 学校の教員... About the regulations plan which requires standing up at the time of national anthem singing in unison in the ceremony for, the teacher of the public school of the Osaka prefecture national assembly
○■ ブログネタ:納得 かないこと... [buroguneta]: Agreement during thing participating which does not go the way of the recent mother
○■ After all, you did not ab andon color of the sea, it seemed, embroidery of name became color of the sea, a liberal translation
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