- With [ru] shank.
http://katana-t.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/04/post-ee63.html Well, it ended also admission examination safely Bem, terminou igualmente a examinação da admissão com segurança
- This year “the store of the [wa] of the hammer” you do.
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/ishiguro330/46195134.html Well, it is busy April, a liberal translation Bem, é abril ocupado
- Lunch bag, a liberal translation
http://mishinkatakata.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/04/post-78f7.html Well, from next week, more and more it starts, lunch life, a liberal translation Bem, da próxima semana, cada vez mais começa, vida do almoço
- 2012 educational foundation Nagai school Kashima school high school Nara campus entrance ceremony president oration
http://tatsuhiro.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/04/post-2485.html Well, as for everyone it is to enter into this school because some? Bem, quanto para a todos é participar nesta escola porque alguns?
- It probably will go by a train!!
http://morimoribandintaiwan.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/04/post-78cb.html Well, I was born in Kumamoto Aso district Bem, eu era nascido no distrito de Kumamoto Aso
- It drinks too much, but, the physical condition worst… the request telephone of work earnestly, it is grateful, and mentally, a little with wedding of yesterday revival.
http://art-v.cocolog-nifty.com/nougaki/2012/04/post-3cb2.html Well, it seems that New Year is started working, Bem, parece que o ano novo é trabalho começado,
- 4/7 (Saturday)
http://hodogaya-chorus.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/04/post-a47a.html Well, before entering into new tune, the senior moves the part and rearranges Bem, antes de participar no acordo novo, o sénior move a peça e rearranja-a
- Free paper
http://passionate.way-nifty.com/mansions/2012/04/post-398c.html Well, the free paper which receives recent collection of data following one another, it was issued Bem, o papel livre que recebe a coleção de dados recente que seguem um outro, foi emitido
- Entrance ceremony!
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/yuyusnow5/44458269.html Well, [kosajiyu] which it keeps attaching to entrance ceremony Bem, [kosajiyu] que se mantem unir à cerimónia da entrada
- New term starts, the better seed
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/raretaste-hare/e/18721b664b25b943b449f8b88bee27c8 Well, tomorrow does the mother Bem, faz amanhã a mãe
- Day off
http://sloth-chobo.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/04/post-f1b0.html Well, unless errand, it completes, don't you think? Bem, a menos que o errand, ele terminar, você não pensa?
Entrance ceremony, japanese culture, Education,