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○■ 福島県は9月3日 野生キノコ... Fukushima prefecture September 3rd, in inspection of the wild mushroom, 1 kilo- hit from [chichitake] of Tanakura Cho and it announced that the radioactive cesium of 28,000 Becquerel's was detected,, a liberal translation
○■ 1 years the estimate figu re of the being bombed quantity when it is restricted was announced to peripheral area of the Fukushima nuclear plant
○■ 汚染牛肉といい、 回の汚。腐...
○■ 福島第1原発の4 機では水素...
○■ 原子力安全委員会 今後、この... It offers Japanese Trend , bandwagons , epidemic and Recent fashion in English.
○■ ベクレル(bq)/ ログラム(...
○■ As for strontium you with out being written, the shank
○■ 福島第一原発災害 環境に撒き散... With Fukushima first nuclear disaster it spreads in environment and as for the quantity of the radioactive substance which scatters, presently still discharge has not stopped, but at announcement point in time it makes 630,000 tera- Becquerel at maximum, is made the Chernobyl approximately 1/10
○■ After accident of the Fuk ushima first nuclear plant occurred, these 2 tunes attention was attracted
○■ 原子力安全委員会 員長の無責任... The irresponsible of Nuclear Safety Commission chairman you see to attach, this country thinks that there is no qualification and the like which, has the nuclear plant, a liberal translation
○■ Radiation contamination i s spreading in the Fukushima nuclear accident, a liberal translation
○■ 文科省はこのとて もない数値... The literature course ministry 'the decontamination or is not simple vis-a-vis this absurd numerical value, the fear the period when you cannot return home converting to long term it is, that' you have commented, but you can understand the fact that you cannot return home at 50 year unit not to be the long period of time even with me of the amateur of [zubu, a liberal translation
○■ As for the inhabitant aro und nuclear accident and instead of the people of the refuge by earthquake disaster future now also this time thinks very and you think that it is insecure and is full
○■ 原子力安全委員会 4月19日... As for Nuclear Safety Commission it announced “concerning the how provisional to think in utilization judging of the school building & the schoolyard etc April 19th and the school etc inside Fukushima prefecture”, “concerning the school and the like where spatial dosage rate under 3.8μsv/time was measured with the schoolyard garden garden, sort utilizing normally, it does not become inconvenient that it did the school building & the schoolyard etc”,
○■ From “you have excerpte d amateur detective group sweetly”
○■ 開催日時7月16 日(土)...
○■ Becomes with either think ing did not depend on the structure of the radioactivity, radiation and the nuclear power plant and understanding role so in detail
○■ 放射性物質の量が 定したとこ... At the point where the quantity of the radioactive substance presumes, there is with 370,000 - 630,000 tera- Becquerel with radioactive [youso] element conversion, but, a liberal translation
○■ Discharge of the largest radioactive substance of the Fukushima first nuclear plant was done with the purpose which very lowers internal pressure from loss of cooling the reactor pressure vessel, discharge of the vapor inside the pressure container (the vent) due to it seems that is something
○■ 東電はこれまで、 に流出した汚... As for Tokyo Electric Power Company the pollution underwater radioactivity quantity which so far, flowed out to the sea has announced the presumption that approximately 4,720,000,000,000,000 Becquerel, but this time, it reached the value which exceeds the result and 3 times which add the fall amount from the atmosphere to this, a liberal translation
○■ Radiation reference level of the tap water of the world concerning radioactive iodine 131 is as mentioned below, a liberal translation
○■ 東京電力福島第一 子力発電所... It means that the high radioactivity where 3 days later which first have hydrogen explosion at the Tokyo Electric Power Fukushima first nuclear power plant, approximately 50 kilometers from the weed of Fukushima city which is far, per 1 kilograms it exceeds 1,000,000 Becquerel from the nuclear plant is detected, a liberal translation
○■ About the radiation due t o the Tokyo Electric Power Fukushima first nuclear power generation
○■ 放射能汚染の把握 、個々の酪... Grasp of radiation contamination cannot do with just the individual dairy farmer
○■ The child of [berarushi] is 37 Becquerel (/kg) to, a liberal translation
○■ 放射性セシウムの 子核1個が... 1 atomic nuclei of the radioactive cesium Î as for the probability which collapses, the probability of 1 times understood in approximately 10,000,000,000 time
○■ Concerning the danger “ of the radioactivity and the pregnant woman infant young child” even from the breast milk radioactive physical carcinogenic risk not only increasing, the decrease of scholastic ability iq and sterile miscarriage after the becoming an adult
○■ 放射性ヨウ素:300b q/k... Radioactive iodine: 300bq/kg radioactive cesium: 200bq/kg
○■ Not to take the iodic tab let, also the [te] is good, that the radioactive iodine which to March 11th the reactor stops automatically concerning doing, is produced inside the reactor (i-131), then 16 days or more to pass, because half-life 2 times it passes, because also the quantity of radiation has decreased 1/4 or less, that you have expressed