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○■ Because the water which a ccumulates on the floor of the reactor building, passing by the reactor, the Containment Vessel and the storage pool, etc has fallen under, it is thought that it includes the suitable dense radioactive substance,, a liberal translation
○■ As for half-life of cesiu m 137 however 30 years it spends, being discharged slowly via the kidney, internal half-life is 60 days, that because as for cesium 137 however it is accumulated to the muscle, as for the probability which with the muscle becomes the cancer/gun it is low, as for Nagasaki large Yamashita without problem you say, that
○■ Because it is problem, wh ether this, it is something after or the stop which is something before the earthquake that in the future we would like to keep noting,
○■ This dosage rate, when yo u look at the measuring method of the literature course ministry, being just external being bombed, is thought that it is not total of being bombed and internal exposure outside it decides in rule
○■ .
So, the cesium [tsu] [t e] how probably will be?
This extent is distant in reference level, but it is
○■ It is we would like to ex pect somehow, to the one-shot art of the Japanese of the fire place technology
○■ chinamini �� toukyo u no suidousui hamada zenzen daijoubu
○■ May be linked to more d etailed information..
○■ �� muramasa �� surudoku kiru ��
○■ fukushima daiichi gensh iryokuhatsudensho no jiko no eikyou wo shirabe teiru monbu kagaku shou ha ���� nichi �� shutoken wo chuushin ni �� miyako �� ken no suidousui kara houshasei you moto ya seshiumu wo kenshutsu shitato happyou shita
○■ recommendation , suggest ions, consideration, sentiment , opinion , statument,
○■ It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
○■ chierunobuiri genpatsuj iko deha ��
○■ toriaezu mita kanji ha daijoubu soudattamonono �� bari^ ha banzen wo kishi te shochou ni sougyou no enki wo moushideru
○■ higashinihon kyodaijish in de hisai shita toukyoudenryoku fukushima daiichi genshiryokuhatsudensho no houshanou more jiko de ��
○■ But really, as for Becque rel's value (quantity of strength ≒ radioactive substance of ≒ radioactivity),, a liberal translation
○■ But as for the Chernobyl nuclear accident you call level 7), reaching after this, the nuclear plant is surprised necessity for Japan the one which is spoken being, honestly
○■ Radioactive iodine: 300bq /kg radioactive cesium: 200bq/kg
○■ Because the plutonium ato mic bomb plutonium 239 high density those which are concentrated is the raw materials (90% or more), the plutonium 240 where composition ratio of plutonium 239 becomes high disturbing, because only portion of the nuclear matter there is a possibility of not exploding, it has degraded the ratio of plutonium 240 by the fact that plutonium 239 is concentrated
○■ Not to take the iodic tab let, also the [te] is good, that the radioactive iodine which to March 11th the reactor stops automatically concerning doing, is produced inside the reactor (i-131), then 16 days or more to pass, because half-life 2 times it passes, because also the quantity of radiation has decreased 1/4 or less, that you have expressed
○■ As for the annual fall qu antity of the cesium 137 and the like whose half-life is long receiving peak, 1964 nuclear test competition of each country was done
○■ Because it continues iodi ne 131 to put out the radiation of several thousand times that cesium 137
○■ There is no legal referen ce level regarding the radioactivity quantity of the soil, but proton associate Professor Fujikawa of the Kyoto large reactor experimental place (environmental engineering) according to estimate, the cesium the case of the Chernobyl nuclear accident 1986, is presumed that it is suitable to the radioactivity quantity which is detected with several dozen ~150 kilometer positions from the same nuclear plant
○■ However, as for regulatio n value the child problem, it is made on the basis of the result which intake is not continued
○■ Radioactive iodine (per 1 kilograms gram of regulation value 2000 Becquerel) 10 list of items 21 cases, the radioactive cesium (same 500 Becquerel) with it exceeded regulation value with 11 list of items 25 cases
○■ This substance catching t he radioactive substance which is in the blood, from the notion that where, it is the action which you excrete to outside the body becomes also prevention of the carcinogenesis to which the radioactive substance depends, also being thought, it increases
○■ Even now we burn and cont inue inside the Chernobyl sarcophagus, to produce the nuclear radioactivity
○■ By the way, half-life is the period when the radioactivity quantity decreases in half
○■ The half-life with in viv o they are 70 days less than,…, you throw, the [e