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○■ 出会った鳥たち( い順)
ム... The bird which encounters (many order) the gray starling, [kawarahiwa], the thrush, the teal and the bulbul, [karugamo], [kijibato], [hakusekirei], [shijiyuukara], [hoojiro], [mozu] and [aosagi], the bald coot, [kawau], [kaitsuburi], van, [daisagi], [jiyoubitaki], [aoji], [chiyuuhi] and the butterfly gene bow, [ootaka] and [kojiyukei] (voice) etc photograph 1,2,3; [hoojiro] XXMAL, a liberal translation
○■ “[chiyuuhi]” Hi gh Chu XXMAL regrettable not flying! However [ootaka] appeared after the sunset, that time the camera was in the car
○■ 2012年3月11日(日) ... 2012 March 11th (day) it became cloudy and occasionally cleared up and yesterday about forecast did not become warm, but today was the warmth of according to forecast
○■ Today poult and [ootaka] of stay [kaitsuburi], also the kingfisher appeared, the customer we rose after a long time with topic of the bird, a liberal translation
○■ オオタカキネンは ずこの団体... As for [ootakakinen] it was delightful to be possible first to participate in this group, is
○■ 「野鳥部屋」カテ リの最新記... Don't you think? the up-to-date article sight-read first taking “of wild bird room” category is delightful after all, the going out [tsu] releasing and the housewife industry ♪ 3 days becoming negligent, it increases
○■ Up-to-date article Mt. To riyama “of news” category 玲 our selection spreading/displaying being clear child Matutani “[u] doing seeing” Sawamura thousand summer art festival 2011 [ootaka] and crow animated picture of the child two spreading/displaying Aizu lacquer moved 180,000 time, a liberal translation
○■ オオタカネバラは 葉が2、3... As for [ootakanebara] the bracteole ahead becomes pointed in 2 and 3 opposites, but as for [takanebara] the bracteole ahead is round in 3 and 4 opposites, is, a liberal translation
Northern Goshawk,
Japanese Topics about Northern Goshawk, Nature, ...
what is Northern Goshawk, Nature, in japanese?
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