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○■ 久しぶりのysr 0の記事の... Renewal death of the article of infrequent ysr80…, a liberal translation
○■ After all just you have r emembered with the head not to be, the [te], it records, taking densely, being important, the shank, a liberal translation
○■ まぁ、結果的には 志望校には... Because well, result, you did not insert in the school of choice, as for the profit
○■ 「そうだっ!道の 巡りに行こ... “So the [tsu] which is! It probably will go to the station round of the road”, it went with the Ibaraki Tochigi with [tsu] [te] thing
○■ “道の駅”に寄り をして、海... It approaches to “the station of the road”, doing the road, marine products ones and the candy etc of the peanut the tasting stripe chestnut
○■ The return the schedule b y the place, “village of station writing brush persimmon” of the road was, it is, but because the place where you call to the way back station “tide Oka no mountain” of another road was attached to the eye in that
○■ 少し遅れ気味なん 、だめかな... However to be late with tend something, you thought as useless kana a little, a liberal translation
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