- This year good thing?, a liberal translation
http://aidugurasi.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/01/post-2ccc.html 2011 like “nightmare”, a liberal translation 2011 como “pesadilla”
- The room outside the inner room, it goes back and forth, in the distinctiveness road, a liberal translation
http://taizo.cocolog-nifty.com/tai/2012/03/post-4d08.html It approaches to “the station of the road”, doing the road, marine products ones and the candy etc of the peanut the tasting stripe chestnut Se acerca “a la estación del camino”, haciendo el camino, los productos del mar unos y el caramelo etc del cacahuete la castaña de la raya de la prueba
- If the cream is made with aroma*
http://kiya-aroma.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/03/post-ffb3.html “You use usually,” from, to “the healing and stress CARE of heart”, a liberal translation “Usted utiliza generalmente,” de, “al CUIDADO de la cura y de la tensión del corazón”
- Tomari travelling in Saga Kumamoto in car①, a liberal translation
http://mina-namunamu.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/05/post-e9cf.html “Acorn village” is, a liberal translation La “aldea de la bellota” es
- So the [tsu] which is, the software cream it probably will go to eating! You see as the station of the ~ pleasant road, the [u] and others 枇 杷 club ♪~
http://sinkouf.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/04/post-86c0.html “枇 杷 You hunt and” even and so on are, a liberal translation “枇杷 que usted busca y” incluso y así sucesivamente esté
Roadside Station, Locality,