- The travelling 〓 noon boiled rice is slow with the married couple, the station of the Kumihama road
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/kokoronougokutoki/52635230.html The 伯母[san] of the farmer of this doing, it increases Le 伯母 [san] du fermier de ce faire, il augmente
- Cherry tree [nai], touring ([] DOTDT)
http://aromadeiyasi.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/04/post-539e.html The cherry tree celebration of this seems 21,22 days La célébration de cerisier de ceci semble de 21.22 jours
- In red brick in meat in navy, a liberal translation
http://madamadathinking.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/05/post-c04b.html With red brick warehouse group of this, Avec le groupe d'entrepôt de brique rouge de ceci,
- Letter course of Suou Oshima 8
http://yamamomo-fukuchin.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/02/post-5f2e.html With this me, [kite] it increases well enough in the leg,…, a liberal translation Avec ceci je, [cerf-volant] il augmente assez bien dans la jambe,…
- Spring two, second step.
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/tatitutetosi/63269898.html The road of this, becoming rather good in comparison with still, being easy to run, the shank [e La route de ceci, devenant plutôt bon en comparaison d'immobile, étant facile à courir, la jambe [e
Roadside Station, Locality,