- April and then May.
http://laceiba.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/03/april-4994.html After all just you have remembered with the head not to be, the [te], it records, taking densely, being important, the shank, a liberal translation 在所有之后您记得与头不是, [te],它记录,密集地采取,是重要的,小腿
- The [yu] it is distantly to go out, to west! To west! 5th day last day
http://birdsmam-yun.cocolog-wbs.com/blog/2012/03/post-757c.html After all, it is strange, ~m9 (^д^) even here! 终究它奇怪的, ~m9 (^д^)甚而在这里!
- It offers Japanese Trend , bandwagons , epidemic and Recent fashion in English.
http://ameblo.jp/sanoadaa6123/entry-11243061573.html After all tasty ~ decade 在所有鲜美~十年以后
- * 筍 Celebration*
http://today-terumasa.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/04/post-1a38.html After all adjusting to the cucumber, you inserted the ginger fully in the tasty [wa] ~☆ lead paragraph and soup, a liberal translation Para obtener mas informacion, pregunte a los bloggers a enlazar.
- And [tsu] [pa]. .
http://oishii-mausan.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/01/post-9b17.html And becoming the [tsu] [pa] desired, to the ~~~~, a liberal translation 并且成为[tsu] [pa]渴望,对~~~~
Roadside Station, Locality,