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○■ 「バリカン」カテ リの最新記... During password hair clipper kind of driving recklessly where the up-to-date article hair clipper “of hair clipper” category had [sumaho] the hair clipper, the hair clipper kind of motorcycle which will have been misty concerning marriage
○■ 道の駅を立ってさ に伊良湖岬へ... The station of the road standing, furthermore Italy it is good to the lake promontory
○■ “Going out with the [bu ] and others [tsu],” among up-to-date article high-speed fee no charge of category…… the Yajima poult it goes round among those 2 high-speed fee no charge and “the [ma] it is circular brewing of flower liquor warehouse open day of fence” (Inc.) “[burumetsuse] is to open” 12.3
○■ ちょっとまだ五部 きって感じ... Just a little still fifth sections 咲 finishing, it probably is feeling?…
○■ 道の駅近くのジュ テンドーで... Kind of flower you bought with station nearby [jiyuntendo] of the road, REPT (the ´▽ `)/
○■ At the fast food corner w hich with station “[kamonpaku] Shiminato” of the road was newly founded in the December last year
○■ 道の駅能生(のう でカニを食... Station Nou of the road (the [u]) with to eat the crab, riding in the Kashiwazaki inter- empty Hokuriku road and Nakajo of the Niigata north inter- with getting off “the road. In the uterine last night is entered inside”
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○■ このブログの人気 事
裏山... Spring of popularity article reverse side mountain of this [burogu
○■ With up-to-date article p revention of disasters information “of weblog new arrival” category Tateyama of 2012 May first half and 2012 public information magazines of Kamogawa in public information magazine May 1st early dawn of public information magazine 2012 April first half of the April latter half simply
○■ 最近の画像つき記
[ 画像一... Recent picture being attached article [to picture summary, a liberal translation
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