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    Roadside Station,

    Locality related words Hydrangea macrophylla Rape Blossom Open-air bath Camp Commemorative photo Hydrangea 車中泊

    • 2012 the flower peach “of the village of the flower peach” sees and time is, a liberal translation
      From the station of the road the flower peach of the other side which crosses “the applying bridge of dream” still is yet to come
      De la estación del camino el melocotón de la flor del otro lado que todavía cruza “el puente de aplicación del sueño” es todavía venir

    • * Already, it is the extent where [getsupu] comes out.
      The Kosai scenery which is taken from the station of the road…
      El paisaje de Kosai que se toma de la estación del camino…

    • Earthquake disaster of local end, after that flower of full bloom
      The station of the road it did and the flower of the [yo] [u] some nearby pear was the full bloom
      La estación del camino que hizo y la flor [yo] [u] de la un poco de pera próxima era la plena floración

    • Daigo cherry tree front information, 4/18., a liberal translation
      It is the station of the road to be, it is, from village Ohashi of the hot water before
      Es la estación del camino a ser, él es, de aldea Ohashi de la agua caliente antes

    • Happy touring, that 2! With, accident note!!, a liberal translation
      With the station of the road, it is birth meeting
      Es frágil ver cuál se compra con la estación del camino

    • re: boot
      Discovering the alpine purine of rumor with the station of the road
      Descubrimiento de la purina alpestre de la rumor con la estación del camino

    • “Siwash introduction”, a liberal translation
      Entering into the hot spring with the station of the road, kana it will try beginning from the place that you sleep in the car?
      ¿Entrando en el resorte caliente con la estación del camino, kana que intentará comenzar del lugar que usted duerme en el coche?

    • Your consecutive holiday stripe - it is!, a liberal translation
      You obstructed the mother who with the station of the road drives recklessly in shopping and somehow just this (2 sacks) collected
      Usted obstruyó a la madre que con la estación del camino conduce imprudentemente en compras y de alguna manera apenas ésta (2 sacos) recogió

    • Prototype…
      The basilico which is bought with the station of the road… one it is the schedule which changes to 50 Yen dry herb
      El basilico que se compra con la estación del camino… uno él es el horario que cambia a la hierba seca de 50 Yenes

    • Now the beginning of the year touring
      Dividing with fuka with the station of the road, to the station of the Fukagawa road, a liberal translation
      Dividiendo con fuka con la estación del camino, a la estación del camino de Fukagawa

    • , a liberal translation
      Is possible to be the station of the road the fresh bamboo saw which (250 Yen! ) It entered into the hand, a liberal translation
      ¡Es posible ser la estación del camino que el de bambú fresco vio cuál (250 Yenes! ) Entró en la mano

    • Before the going out. ., a liberal translation
      As for the station and the like of the road the stock is different from [hutsu], it is with
      Como para la estación y similares del camino que la acción es diferente de [hutsu], él está con

    • Village of Tsushima serenity
      It probably is station what of the roads? Whether, hot spring and little product direct city it is, it is
      ¿Es probablemente estación qué de los caminos? Si, resorte caliente y poca ciudad directa del producto es, es

    • General survey mountain - Inner part Yugawara cherry tree
      As for the station of the road being pleasant, the shank,
      Como para la estación del camino que es agradable, la caña,

    • 2012 8th Suwa lake, a liberal translation
      Leaving the station of the road, it arrives at the home in about 30 minutes, a liberal translation
      Dejando la estación del camino, llega el hogar en cerca de 30 minutos

    • Station morning mist plateau cycling of road
      When it tries leaving the station of the road, the wind blows as expected from before
      Cuando intenta salir de la estación del camino, el viento sopla según lo esperado de antes

    • So the [tsu] which is, the software cream it probably will go to eating! You see as the station of the ~ pleasant road, the [u] and others 枇 杷 club ♪~
      At station grand prix 2000 of road
      En el prix magnífico 2000 de la estación del camino

    • The Shinshu last day
      Station Nou of the road (the [u]) with to eat the crab, riding in the Kashiwazaki inter- empty Hokuriku road and Nakajo of the Niigata north inter- with getting off “the road. In the uterine last night is entered inside”
      Coloque Nou del camino ([u]) con para comer el cangrejo, montando en el camino de Kashiwazaki Hokuriku y el Nakajo vacíos inter- de la Niigata al norte inter- con bajar “del camino. En el ayer por la noche uterino es el interior incorporado”

    • Noto going in addition varieties
      It has become the station of the road, but as for here having become “the data mansion of the salt”, there is the [wa] [ru] various exhibition which it waits in the salt
      Se ha convertido en la estación del camino, pero en cuanto aquí a convertirse en “la mansión de los datos de la sal”, hay [wa] [ru] la varia exposición que espera en la sal

    • Cherry tree of going north spreading/displaying victory area.
      When you buy the gift with the station of the road and look at the signboard, (going north city park spreading/displaying victory area) there is a going north spreading/displaying victory area in the vicinity of the way back, Kakunodate in the same way becoming the [ku] three large cherry tree place of interest of being full is ascertained
      Cuando usted compra el regalo con la estación del camino y mira el letrero, (extensión del norte/que exhibe del parque de la ciudad que va área de la victoria) hay el ir al norte extensión/que exhibe área de la victoria en la vecindad de la manera detrás, Kakunodate que se convierte en de la misma manera [ku] los tres que el lugar grande del cerezo del interés de ser lleno se comprueba

    • * 筍 Celebration*
      It is brittle the seeing which is bought with the station of the road
      Es frágil ver cuál se compra con la estación del camino

    • It is, [chi] hunt 3.19
      When you hear with the station of the road, 1 eaves opening! It was the usual farm, a liberal translation
      ¡Cuando usted oye con la estación del camino, 1 apertura de los aleros! Era la granja generalmente

    • However just a little it is cold, the Atsumi peninsula roundly lap, a liberal translation
      The single car stopping in the parking zone of the coastal paralleling of the inner part of the station of the road, the seashore the hula hula
      El solo coche que para en la zona de estacionamiento de ser paralelo a costero de la parte interna de la estación del camino, la costa el hula del hula

    Roadside Station, Locality,

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