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○■ 昨年、11月3日に行 れま... Last year, the circuit travelling meeting due to bmw motorrad mitsuoka which was done on November 3rd, decided in this year being done
○■ Today the tide laundry da y harmony which is not either the warmly good weather wind from morning is to say the day the present way
○■ 2012 will do Sawayama tra veling! . by yumi_twewan | 2012-03- 601: 16 March 5th, when it was true, was expectation of the marriage commemoration day of 40th year
○■ 道の駅「虹の森」 は、毎週第... “The forest of station with rainbow” of the road, every week first third Sunday morning fair is done at the shopping center of Uwajima city
○■ 少々アップが遅く りましたが... A little, rise became slow, but, a liberal translation
○■ Because last year special cooking was not made, this year having tried to arrange those which like un SONY into the table the [ru, a liberal translation
○■ 午前中は体調がい いちで何と... Physical condition something 0:40 PM it is too much passed during morning with the Imai [chi] and walked and went to the station of the road
○■ 今日は、臥龍の湯 発のポタリ... Today, [potaringu] of hot water starting of 臥 dragon? Exactly with the station of the road of the 34km position small rest? Pace it is too quick? Whether being able to rise to the Oda mountain?
○■ Present schedule was son house visit, but the grandchild is modification of schedule suddenly for becoming feverish
○■ もちろんこれは下 道に自転車... It is the photograph which of course as for this putting the bicycle on the road under, climbing, you take, a liberal translation
○■ ちなみにこの校舎 自分が在学... By the way, as for this school building by your while attending 4th grade and 5th grade time it is something which is completed, a liberal translation
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