- Ise and Toba good point
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/masa_2008_s/36623103.html A little, time was quick, is, but before being packed, with the meal the “[te] persisting sushi” Pouco, o tempo era rápido, é, mas antes de ser embalada, com a refeição “[te] o sushi de persistência”
- Celebration name raw plum forest
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/nobunaga1194/22606231.html However to be late with tend something, you thought as useless kana a little, a liberal translation Entretanto para estar atrasado com tenda algo, você pensou como o kana inútil um pouco
- Room entire Miura peninsular travelling 1st day, a liberal translation
http://megacamel.cocolog-nifty.com/gootara/2012/01/post-a3be.html Going to bed a little, in going to your another bath, a liberal translation Ir para a cama pouco, em ir a seu outro banho
- Before the going out. ., a liberal translation
http://oishii-mausan.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/05/post-5290.html With the newspaper article of a little before the shank Com o artigo de jornal de um pouco antes da pata
- 2012 8th Suwa lake, a liberal translation
http://henacyokogj.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/04/20128-346c.html A little resting, entering Takane to r141 Um descanso pequeno, Takane entrando a r141
- The climbing which is dense
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/ueue753/38930711.html A little, you think that the air is quick, but making use of the rice field whose front of the rice planting is wide, Pouco, você pensa que o ar é rápido, mas empreg o campo do arroz cuja a parte dianteira da plantação do arroz é larga,
Roadside Station, Locality,