- Now then [tsu] ~!
http://mats0102.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/01/post-31ad.html In any case, to west it can send to west, a liberal translation En tous cas, à l'ouest il peut envoyer à l'ouest
- Ise and Toba good point
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/masa_2008_s/36623103.html In any case, becoming the system which it tries to make through the gift thing house enter in any case, it increases, (laughing) En tous cas, en devenant le système qu'il essaye de faire par la maison de chose de cadeau entrez en tous cas, il augmente, (riant)
- okinawa ryokou �� nichime
http://marinbapikatan.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/04/post-6412.html In any case, they were the calls which the chair are enormously En tous cas, ils étaient les appels qui la chaise sont énormément
- The father question [tsu] it does, the [yo, a liberal translation
http://a-gekko.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/04/post-1e50.html In any case, the master is to accomplish even with the bath the bath entering, the cod is enormous laughter resounds, laughing, a liberal translation En tous cas, le maître est d'accomplir même avec le bain le bain entrant, la morue est énorme rire resounds, riant
- Você faz!
http://pi-chan-pi-chan.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/03/post-7166.html In any case, we wait for crossing over the many ones and the [ma] ~ do En tous cas, nous attendons le croisement au-dessus de les nombreux et le ~ [mA] font
Roadside Station, Locality,