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○■ ≫ edit
2011.... There was collection of data of the Hokkaido newspaper which is published to the ≫ edit 2011.12.01 thu Christmas tree sushi Hokkaido newspaper
○■ (The left) the leaf of th e ginkgo which glitters is beautiful truly! Side also the woman high school student who happens along removing carrying, [pachiri
○■ 大人も子供も楽し るエンター... It is the entertainment which the adult and the child can enjoy, a liberal translation
○■ こんなお人形が、 の時期のヨ... It is dense, furthermore it is, the doll, decorates the street corner of European of this time here and there, a liberal translation
○■ 「語学全般&雑学 カテゴリの... Although “all language study & it is up-to-date article same country of knowledge of various matters” category, when the island Egypt escape which is the mainland and circular one day and time difference - binding the connected Brandt spreading/displaying document, the left shoulder? The right shoulder? “God like the rest room” the Christmas tree which is not fabrication of the grandmother, a liberal translation
○■ Up-to-date article Gifu a viation festival maneuvering flight “of aviation festival 2011” category continues the back middle [tsu] (laughing) the Gifu base aviation festival Yokota festival 2011 after 3 years - [omake] Yokota festival 2011 -, Yokota festival 2011, a liberal translation
○■ 「スポーツ、癒し カテゴリの... “Sport, you heal and” escape from up-to-date article town of category! July is hot! The being defeated super charge New Year's Day and New Year's Day day off Christmas of gw end
○■ Hearing also the story of the teacher properly, it increases, after that, the Christmas decoration was made with the parent and child, a liberal translation
○■ recent entries... recent entries | The diary amorousness coming there is no cream and a mark in the nose, is, to ask, - just a little, you!
○■ 今日は桜木町コレ トマーレ4階... Today to coffee of cherry tree wooden town [koretsutomare] 4 floor, a liberal translation
○■ How there is no Santa Cla us's thing and it reached the point where it is understood, well, this year thinking that we would like buying the Christmas picture book,…
○■ 北谷のビーチタワ ホテルも... Also the Chiyatan beach tower hotel increases, the Christmas tree being decorated lovely!
○■ Some days ago, “writing request thing ahead shopping, it will grant the request! ” There being a [tsu] [te] corner, however you ask to the paper and writing thing, the chord you are completed in the Christmas tree and do month “did and wrote and increased [re] [bo]” the [tsu] [te, a liberal translation
○■ クリスマスは、子 が小さいと... Christmas, when the child is small, is first, a liberal translation
○■ Already in order with imm ediately pleasant pleasant Christmas, to become the marker of [santa], 3.4.5 year old children cooperating, everyone nude which does the ornament attaching in the tree it is the [bo] looking at the tree, first voice “so coldly” the laughing which is
Japanese Topics about Christmas tree, japanese culture, Leisure, Livelihood, ...
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