- The tree was produced after two years -, a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/hidepyon1010/45765022.html Because today, the child under was the bazaar generation 休, while just a little having helping, it produced the Christmas tree 由于今天,孩子下是义卖市场世代休,而有的一点帮助,它生产了圣诞树
- December 13th Tuesday decorating the Christmas tree, a liberal translation
http://asuka-hoikuen.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/12/1213-db93.html The bell and Konomi and the snow etc which today, attach the decoration to the Christmas tree with all kindergarten child and increase…As for the instant of illuminational illumination, shout of joy of the “[u] [wa] ~” arose from everyone unintentionally in beauty of remainder and applause happened 今天,附有装饰与所有幼稚园孩子的圣诞树并且增加…关于illuminational照明瞬时的响铃和Konomi和喜悦雪等,呼喊“[u] [wa] ~”从大家无心地出现了在剩下的人秀丽,并且掌声发生了
http://himawari1103.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2011-11-19-5 Hearing also the story of the teacher properly, it increases, after that, the Christmas decoration was made with the parent and child, a liberal translation 适当地也听见老师的故事,它在那以后增加,圣诞节装饰用父母和孩子做了
- Christmas tree, a liberal translation
http://otoko3biki.blog17.fc2.com/blog-entry-300.html This year also the numbers of Christmas trees are placed few quietly in modesty or the town to the people of the victim of earthquake and the tidal wave and nuclear accident, also the jingle bell has lowered sounding 圣诞树的数量在谦逊平静地今年也安置少数或地震和潮汐和核事故的受害者的人民的镇,门铃也降低听起来
- With Christmas illumination the parasympathetic nerve becomes predominant.
http://suzukisiatuin.cocolog-nifty.com/aromasiatudayori/2011/12/post-f0f8.html Will what the Christmas tree of New York and Rockefeller center of this year is visible especially vividly is the allowance of led, or therefore shape of the wood which is chosen in the tree exquisiteness probably be?, a liberal translation 将什么今年的纽约和洛克菲勒中心圣诞树特别生动地是可看见的因此是容限带领或者在树优美被选择大概是木头的形状?
Christmas tree, japanese culture, Leisure, Livelihood,