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○■ おっと東急ハンズ 楽天市... There is an optimistic market store in the [tsu] and Tokyu Hands! You did not know, - the ball this year intense is cheap in the outlet of the franc franc purchase, a liberal translation
○■ 駅前のお店で、ク スマスツリー... At the store before the station, the [tsu] [te] which does the illumination system of the Christmas tree it is with you saw, a liberal translation
○■ この時期に鮮やか オレンジ色の... The flower which the vivid orange flower opens in this time, is called the Christmas tree had bloomed
○■ The [u] [hu] [hu]… to t ell the truth being extravagant just a little, also the photograph of the stone you wanted to take good ones, the camera you applied, it is, a liberal translation
○■ 」と話に また花が 咲きました... ” With and the flower bloomed in story
Japanese Topics about Christmas tree, japanese culture, Leisure, Livelihood, ...
what is Christmas tree, japanese culture, Leisure, Livelihood, in japanese?
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