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○■ とても楽しい研修 でした... It was very pleasant study meeting
○■ However the [tsu] [te], i t continues to last week, it is Mack, when the father would like to eat [gurakoro], it seems the way, a liberal translation
○■ それがなかなか大 ですぅ 今... [u] this week that is very serious Thursday there is a Christmas play which is the very important event of the garden,, a liberal translation
○■ 「eric(只今王子見 い中... Always Eric of the same “eric (now while the Oji learning) present Eric up-to-date article Eric of category remained merely,” remains face this month, a liberal translation
○■ また偶然素敵な子 出会った... In addition when it encounters the cute child accidentally, you will think, a liberal translation
○■ It completed to the car w ashing of the car, even then it strove to the housekeeping which did lousy job here several day, might swoon in the soiling of remainder finally decorated the mini- Christmas tree for the 2nd floor with the same ornament as last year
○■ そのまま起きてる 、だいた... Occurring that way, the [ru] and, generally it becomes drowsy about 7 of morning o'clock
○■ 小学生低学年の頃 繁華街として... The shopping center where the elementary school student low as for time of grade it is crowded as business quarters transfigured to the shutter shopping center, but even then the Christmas tree is placed in the here and there
○■ When we would like showin g the big Christmas tree, it is, but as the tree compared to the [huiruha] - magic of [donarudo] of Christmas parade and 3d is pleasant,… it was mood
○■ 今年もクリスマス リーが街にあ... Don't you think? this year it was season when the Christmas tree overflows in the town, the [e
Japanese Topics about Christmas tree, japanese culture, Leisure, Livelihood, ...
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