- Christmas tree
http://yayoeko.cocolog-nifty.com/top/2011/11/post-1734.html After all, furthermore simple method of decorating is good kana -?, a liberal translation Schließlich außerdem ist einfache Methode der Verzierung gutes kana -?
- It is tool, ill-smelling it is the noodles
http://ameblo.jp/21580401/entry-11093758927.html It was painful after all, (t_t) the left arm, it is languid painfully Es ist schliesslich das schmerzliche (t_t) ließ Arm, schmerzlich träg
- With [rakoda] lunch
http://tiara-t0519.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/11/post-2ea3.html To learn more, ask bloggers to link to. Es ging [rakoda] schliesslich
- November entryway and GODIVA - ♪
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/mimisasukejp/44033381.html After all, after being December, don't you think??, a liberal translation Schließlich nachdem Sie Dezember, nicht Sie denken? gewesen sind?
Christmas tree, japanese culture, Leisure, Livelihood,