- Being the reindeer
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/y_wao/27320987.html In order to make Christmas version, a liberal translation A fim fazer a versão do Natal
http://himawari1103.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2011-11-19-5 The seasonal impression there is no Christmas tree and two shot [tsu] [te] w, a liberal translation A impressão sazonal lá não é nenhuns árvore e dois de Natal disparados [tsu] [te] w
- Late fall
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/mippohime77/22071469.html However the Christmas present it is to go to searching,…, a liberal translation Entretanto o presente de Natal é ir à pesquisa,…
- With Christmas illumination the parasympathetic nerve becomes predominant.
http://suzukisiatuin.cocolog-nifty.com/aromasiatudayori/2011/12/post-f0f8.html When you look at Christmas illumination, can be wrapped in the happy impression, this light and the parasympathetic nerve are related Quando você olha a iluminação do Natal, pode ser envolvido na impressão feliz, esta luz e o nervo parasympathetic é relacionado
Christmas tree, japanese culture, Leisure, Livelihood,