- bryanrwalsh
http://twitter.com/bryanrwalsh :RT @bryanrwalsh: My post: Why Canada said adieu to Kyoto http://t.co/QaYuM3sb via @TIME
- These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
http://takashi-fukuyama.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2011-12-03 But, somehow end the program of the first half!, a liberal translation 但是,莫名其妙地结束前半的节目!
- By your Christmas meeting of manager, a liberal translation
http://blog.livedoor.jp/sumiwataru/archives/52804421.html But, the generation 休 of preschool life this time it is last 但是,学龄前生活世代休这次它前
- - Tomorrow enters into 待 descending/disembarking paragraph Advent,…
http://eigaku.cocolog-nifty.com/nikki3/2011/11/post-29cb.html But, [kuroganemochi] it is red, to tell the truth, withering, there are no times when the truth falls, a liberal translation 但是, [kuroganemochi]是红色的,讲真相,凋枯,那里是没有时间,当真相下跌时
- The Philippine Christmas
http://junko-embassy.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2011-12-07 But, as for tree inside official residence, even nice straw raincoat wood, a liberal translation 但是,至于为在官邸里面的树,甚而好的秸杆雨衣木头
- The constitution whose Fuji Telecasting Co. is doubtful, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/townguide-ikebukuro/e/b0bee12212de170d15225c80c62da74e But, as for that, conduct of [yarase] of schedule, a liberal translation 但是,至于为那,品行[yarase]日程表
- Being quick ones, 27 weeks.
http://ameblo.jp/chibre/entry-11078258806.html But, it is persistent cold 但是,天气坚持寒冷
Christmas tree, japanese culture, Leisure, Livelihood,