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○■ Afternoon we close at 4 o 'clock last sale at a special price is done from morning
○■ 年越しの瞬間わ
bea utif... Instantaneous [wa] beautiful of over-year-end glider
○■ When it arrives to the ho use, somehow the moisture [tsu] [po] it can decry the relief impression over-year-end, of being achieved,
○■ 今年もあと2日を りましたね... This year 2 days after the drill better seed
○■ This year in 7 year incli nation doing over-year-end at the house, while the bath entering, hearing the bell of the removal night blankly and/or something doing, the [a] -, the Japanese shelf
○■ 今年はある意味激 の1年だった... This year it seems that is certain semantic agitated 1 years, it became something which cannot do as for earthquake disaster of northeast, to forget after all,
○■ This year it waits with t he parents' home and/or it is over-year-end
○■ もちろん動くわけ 、そのまま雪... Being the case that it moves of course, snow step you recommend that way, a liberal translation
○■ With the notion that wher e you say, this year you did not see ......
○■ だって今も隣にい くて泣きそう... Even it is not in next door and the [te] may cry even now is it is
○■ Because even then your wa rm customer was, I think that it was continued to stand in the stage,
○■ それが裏目に出て この空白... That appearing in the reverse side, this blank, a liberal translation
○■ And, you brag about the n umber of believers, a liberal translation
○■ さて、今更今年の 場を振り返っ... Well, looking back at the quotation of this year after so long a time, there is no manner, but as written on also [burogu] of yesterday, you try probably to keep seeing a little this year most concerning 1919.sxl which shines in 1 rank which prospers with the superior ranking which increases in price, a liberal translation
○■ It is to ask traditional New Year dishes for the first time but furthermore very love, the ♪ which is the pleasure with traditional New Year dishes quantity Sawayama of the store
○■ 今日やっと年越し ばを食べまし... Today over-year-end side was eaten at last
○■ This year it probably wil l rub, it was 2 days after
○■ 今年はほんと大変 1年だった... This year the [ho] it is with they were very 1 years, a liberal translation
○■ It reached finally in New Year's Eve
○■ 今日は日曜日…て 、クリス... Today Sunday…In [te] or Christmas shank -, a liberal translation
○■ ('; д; Although the `) t he just a little eye just was separated, - (crying) furthermore adding also the water properly, the [hi] it is the [hi] it is it has done although!!! Therefore the [saiaku] Tanba black bean although nearly thousand Yen it did, there is no [ma] [ji] 勿 body, DREPT (`д´*) the no saying nothing, if the pressure pot you used, it was good
○■ 結局こうやって言 訳を繰り返... After all like this doing, it is the kudzu where over again, nothing does excuse and others it is I who cannot be, a liberal translation
○■ In order either for every one not to destroy physical condition, don't you think? please pay attention
○■ 来年2012年は 様と日本に... As for 2012 of next year way in peace it is calm 1 years for everyone and Japan,
○■ Next year whether being s ome year…
○■ 昨日は一日中、お 除してまし... Yesterday one Japan and China, cleaning, increasing, -, a liberal translation
○■ Last night looking at Ina washiro lake [zu] with crimson white, it cried, a liberal translation
○■ 明日は年越しそば 食べよう... Over-year-end side will be eaten tomorrow
○■ Only some over-year-end y ou forgot and the [chi] [ya] were, but and - the [tsu] and the conclusion stripe it does, the seed, a liberal translation
○■ 今日も、東京は良 天気でした... Don't you think? today, Tokyo was good weather -, a liberal translation