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○■ 今日は花粉症対策 、杉植林の中... Today with hay fever measure, during cedar afforestation stopping, you did first and the folding screen in the Sunny side where the deciduous broad-leaved forest is many, a liberal translation
○■ 花粉症の症状がで きた(≧▼≦... Condition of the hay fever came appearing, because (the ≧▼≦) this year, as for the scattering quantity it is less than last year, it is grateful, but… and from today again it is performance in the Nagoya vanilla! Course 6 days! Already, the damage receiving in the hay fever, it increases, but the best is exhausted!
○■ 今年の花粉症の時 ですが例年と... It is time of the hay fever of this year, but those where depends on the doctor who is the times when it is different from ordinary year largely decreased! Therefore that why extremely ease, because it participates in the monitor of the Taisyo Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., it continues to drink Taisho Biot day
○■ 春、桜だ、花粉症 …と騒が... Spring, it is the cherry tree, it is the hay fever…With you making a noise, this year especially so you say the [bu] and the coming are many, it seems
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