- Spring course
http://60630423.at.webry.info/201203/article_24.html Because today the pollen is many, when going out you cannot miss the sunglasses and the mask for the hay fever, a liberal translation Porque hoje o pólen é muitos, quando sair você não puder faltar os óculos de sol e a máscara para a febre de feno
- Last night it was [riha].
http://ameblo.jp/nagaotoru/entry-11200184537.html Also today coming, the [ru] the ~ pollen!!, a liberal translation Igualmente hoje vindo, [ru] o pólen do ~!!
- 3/12 inspections, shopping and photographing, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/wakamiho/entry-11191405319.html Today or the eye where the pollen is terrible are itchy terribly Hoje ou o olho onde o pólen é terrível seja itchy terrìvel
- Day of sufferings
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/qootan_1947/e/29b1816e1c696958c93c0632c187b7e6 It probably means that also today is bothered in the pollen Significa provavelmente que é incomodado igualmente hoje no pólen
Pollen, Health, japanese culture,