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○■ これが2歳くらい での間に起こ... This happens between to about 2 years old
○■ At 4 o'clock the eye awak ening with consequence of the hay fever, the fearful laughing where then you sleep almost and the [re] [zu]… after 1 hours later only the time 2 hours which occur just 1 hours you nap from now when you do not sleep and with happening you are cut off and probably form being, a liberal translation
○■ ブログネタ:早く たたかくなっ... [buroguneta]: To be quick we want becoming warm, don't you think?? In the midst of participation, a liberal translation
○■ The fact that finally fal l it is the hay fever is not recognized today when it is the cascade book which is not obtained
○■ 花粉症は辛いです ね... The hay fever is harsh, is, don't you think?, a liberal translation
○■ Becoming suddenly warm, d on't you think? spring the [me] it was, with as for weather to become cloudy the weather which the tend will not be clear, a liberal translation
○■ When the nose [muzumuzu] doing in cold and the hay fever and when feeling liking to convert and the like, it is [susume
○■ Because I am not the hay fever, the measure which usually is different is not taken and is the [te] probably not to be good? The mask doing, the combining which is the goggle
○■ 昨日は花粉がすご ったですね... Yesterday the pollen being enormous, shank
○■ 心配してくれるジ ーに、ハナ... In the jaw which worries, [hanapochitsu, a liberal translation
○■ 先週インフルエン のせいで鼻... That thinking whether last week the nose water does not stop with consequence of the influenza although it is not the hay fever, although the nasitis medicine there is no with some lever which you use,…However with you thought, to tell the truth it was consequence of the pollen from that time, when it is, now you become aware
○■ 今日薬局に行った 「花粉症特... When it went to the present pharmacy, because the free paper of “hay fever special edition” was put, you received
○■ So, if it does, as for th e cause substance which torments the body of the love dog “winding [shitsupo],” thinks you escape, the love dog “shaking [shitsupo],” that, it comes to your side,
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