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○■ (*´?`*) 16:25... (*´? ` *) When you look at the weather of tomorrow with the 16:25 from soicha [so] and others guide, “the rain occasionally it stops”, when is
○■ 花粉症対策レシピ ていうのが... The hay fever measure [reshipi] [tsu] [te] what you say has been recorded with, evening in the boiled rice right away tried making, a liberal translation
○■ 皆様、どうぞ、横 へおいで下... Everyone, please, it is to Yokohama, please be!!
○■ 本社に言われるま もなく、2... Until it is said to the head office, somehow to 23 days, without, ride you must work distantly difficultly,
○■ Finally with weather fore cast of morning as for Japan and China however it had forecast, that weather has, the rain started getting off from afternoon
○■ 最近は逆チョコや チョコなど... Recently, the opposite chocolate and the friend chocolate etc it seems that transfers, but it gives to the important family, “the family chocolate” how cute shelf - with you think
○■ 春はもうすぐ!と ってても、... Spring already immediately! With thinking, also the [te], very…
○■ 喉が痛い時に特に 勧め
花粉... When the throat is painful, especially it is good to also the recommendation hay fever, it seems, [remonekinasea] [surotokoto] (which tea), a liberal translation
○■ そんな中でも、原 は「稼働す... Even among such, “it works the nuclear plant?
○■ - Because - as for soluti on coming out one after another, the person of such condition is many in society, probably will be
○■ というわけでこれ ら髪を切... With being the case that it is said, the hair it goes to cutting from now on
○■ (Quotation) in recent res earch, the fact which is ascertained anew concerning method and the timing which do the tooth polishing it is several from Nikkei newspaper February 11 diary thing
○■ 花粉症の影響かな ... Whether influence of hay fever, a liberal translation
○■ After all, although the r oom settles, it was past 16 o'clock, schedule deviated largely, but when by your because of the hay fever which becomes suddenly terrible to receive today by any means, because when we would like 診, it keeps hurrying to the hospital where always it catches, your own thing are completed and returns to the place of the mother 17 o'clock it had passed
○■ みんなで、「でき る、でき... “It being possible with everyone, the [ru], it being possible, the [ru]!”With you encouraged, a liberal translation
○■ 「スギ花粉症は日 特有」と... “The cedar hay fever is called the Japanese peculiarity”, but because the cedar itself is the Japanese specific tree, the proper
○■ (花粉症も人体の 否反応ですか... Because (also the hay fever is the rejection symptom of the human body, don't you think?) we fear, is, the [o
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