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○■ アレルギー持ちの としてはセー... As I of the allergy having safe (-. -;)Recently the allergy being many urgently, you are surprised even by your, a liberal translation
○■ However the cheap lumber entered from the foreign country, immediately, abandoning such responsibility, when it shoots the artificial forest of the cedar the rewarding which dies, is the hay fever which becomes problem in Japan
○■ しかし、数年前か 私と息子は花... But, me and the son the hay fever debuts from several years ago,
○■ Well, every year it is bo thered in the hay fever, after the Tousenbou and the [hukushimanobuiri] accident, the incenter, information of the thing which has been made chaotically the air appeared, a liberal translation
○■ これで、花粉の時 も安心です... Now, also time of the pollen is relief, a liberal translation
○■ 杉花粉症の出る時 だけとはい... Just the time when the cedar hay fever appears say, the number of considerable years
○■ And doing that teacher wi th high school of the son, there being a thing which opens the seminar, we have met immediately, but it was funny teacher! Somehow the child (term of endearment) with calling in the stomach, because you raise the tape-worm, it does not get fat boasting, that and it does not become either the hay fever, it increased
○■ 働いて元気になろ (雇用創出... Working, it probably becomes vigorous, (employment creation) it directs to dress atelier establishment in Kamaishi, the one step one step advances
○■ こちらもカッコイ magni... This selling, increase [katsukoii] magniarturo this it is
○■ “The ayu friend 釣” the up-to-date article turbid water of category it is the kana paragraph amount which does wasted 1 day kana catalog what
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