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○■ と言うワケで、そ いもそろっ... With [wake] which is said, also the matching being even, because beautifully it is we who have become “the temperature difference allergy” married couple, everyone who is, paying attention
○■ そうそう、くしゃ ・鼻水は、... So so, the sneeze nose water is that also the dust is the largest allergen
○■ When you think that the t ime where these escape it is graduation from the allergy atopic hay fever the [a] - the [tsu], now, being be tired, all right! With you can think
○■ これは、陽と優だ ... As for this, positive superior just, a liberal translation
○■ In this case, the healthy person and so the person who is not healthy luck will try taking a second look the rest room which has the being connected which is deep, a liberal translation
○■ お持ちのブラウス 型がお気に... Type of the blouse which you have causing the paper pattern with favorite, it is in the midst of drawing up
○■ 「鼻の症状」カテ リの最新記... (1) summer concerning the up-to-date article nosebleed “of condition category of the nose” concerning the condition of the seasonal nose which is easy to cure nose condition (part 6) - concerning the condition of the nose fungus nose (part 5) - concerning the condition of the empyema symptom (3) nose (part 4) - the empyema symptom (2)
○■ The ♪ where the up-to-d ate article sunroom “of tasty food” category changes to the pantry and the [chi] [ya] is the cocoa of tea time ♪ cacao 100% of tasty Chinese noodles various ♪ ja enshrining 2011☆☆☆ happiness the tasty cake ♪
○■ 「平凡な毎日」カ ゴリの最新... “Commonplace everyday” the up-to-date article hay fever of category? For sales promotion the distantly customers before few Yoshimura house insomnia?
○■ ※ブタクサと間違 られていた... * It is [seitakaawadachisou] which has been mistaken for [butakusa], but after all the pollen seems that becomes cause of the hay fever
○■ Hay fever? Cannot withsta nd… Also last year when it does to the hospital went, but… How there is no doctor of last year and is uneasy and also access of the bus is bad and approximately in regard to here and there data gathering the reputation good quality air it went to the otolaryngology clinic
○■ 今日は授業参観が り、頼まれて... Today there was a class going/participating view, was asked and it taught in place of charge
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