- The sterility a certain day suddenly.
http://shape-of-happiness.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/07/bt7-78b7.html So, the sterility with anytime abruptness Assim, a esterilidade com a qualquer momento aspereza
- The cedar pollen it came, -., a liberal translation
http://blog.livedoor.jp/arieleclub/archives/51775761.html So so, the sneeze nose water is that also the dust is the largest allergen Tão assim, a água do nariz do sneeze é que igualmente a poeira é o alérgeno o maior
- Someone in dryer? *
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/maihana12/39117352.html So, it is the allergy Assim, é a alergia
http://onakadaise.seesaa.net/article/213671503.html So, when it does, chemical substance such as histamine appears, it is such as sneeze to mean that allergy condition appears and nose water Assim, quando faz, a substância química tal como a histamina aparece, é como o sneeze para significar que a condição da alergia aparece e para cheirar a água
Pollen, Health, japanese culture,