- Also the cluster-amaryllis to end, the fragrance of the Kanagi rhinoceros
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/ext_vi123vi_an/36077953.html When last week, the cluster-amaryllis which blooms in the bank thinks has bloomed with cleanly, whether [ho] [kinmokusei] which is fragrant feels the fall Quando na semana passada, o conjunto-amaryllis que floresce no banco pensar floresceu com limpa, se [ho] [kinmokusei] qual é perfumado sente a queda
- Warmly, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/zunda_2005/e/c04fc56e4f82b08e0c18504d9de57cb6 Last week, however there was also a day of snow, a liberal translation Na semana passada, porém havia igualmente um dia da neve
- The hay fever [tsu] [po] it is and condition does not heal, a liberal translation
http://dolcepiarno2nd.blog.shinobi.jp/Entry/3501/ Last week it is extremely to be easy, but today, again condition [kitsui] (the ¯◇¯; The eyelid is puffy and the nose water drooping among non consciousness, the [ru] it does,… Na semana passada é extremamente ser fácil, mas hoje, condicione outra vez [kitsui] (o ¯◇¯; A pálpebra é inchado e a água do nariz que inclina-se entre não a consciência, [ru] faz,…
- This year [kite] the/~~~ which it increases (T_T), a liberal translation
http://natuyuki87.blog88.fc2.com/blog-entry-1507.html That thinking whether last week the nose water does not stop with consequence of the influenza although it is not the hay fever, although the nasitis medicine there is no with some lever which you use,…However with you thought, to tell the truth it was consequence of the pollen from that time, when it is, now you become aware Aquela que pensa se na semana passada a água do nariz não para com conseqüência da gripe embora não fosse a febre de feno, embora a medicina do nasitis lá fosse No. com alguma alavanca que você uso,… entretanto com você o pensamento, para dizê-la à verdade era conseqüência do pólen desse tempo, quando é, agora você torna-se ciente
Pollen, Health, japanese culture,