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○■ 「東日本大震災」 いう名は伊... The name, “east Japanese large earthquake disaster” is not Date…, a liberal translation
○■ * Today kept having the s cope, but although the binoculars are forgotten conversely, the bird is searched, at all it was inconvenient, a liberal translation
○■ ◎もうピークに入 ているはず... * But the expectation which has already entered into peak, unexpected and number do not become many
○■ The hooded gull, the pige on, the bulbul, the gray starling and the wild bird of sparrow 5 type have been taken chummily in this picture
○■ ムクドリは蛙も食 るんだ... The gray starling eats the frog, it is
○■ カワラヒワやシジ ウカラの鳴き... Calling voice of [kawarahiwa] and [shijiyuukara] is audible still here and there, but it hides in the leaf [tsu] [pa], whether it is somewhere, it is not found easily, a liberal translation
○■ それでも、子供の から、これ... Even then, you see from the time of the child, in this and if you have been accustomed, this, the textbook, a liberal translation
○■ 5 hours, the west edge, S hibakawa and the east edge, seven village comprehensive parks, the Omiya east high, eagle shrine, the east edge, it is full from past 7 o'clock and is ill-smelling in the road and the launch moat 28.0km
○■ 今朝、職場の近く 休耕田で... Now 2 feathers it was seen at the nearby fallow rice field of morning and the workplace
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