- [kosamebitaki] other things, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/omod1954/e/2c9abda4a95a88b4137613044735dc28 [kosamebitakihigarakogerakibitakikakesukurotsugumiakaharanobitakikomukudori] , a liberal translation [kosamebitakihigarakogerakibitakikakesukurotsugumiakaharanobitakikomukudori]
- Japanese talking
http://kdo.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/06/200964-55fd.html [kosagi] 1, [aosagi] young bird 2, [karugamo] forming bird 13 it is young bird 11 poult 2, [kijibato], the swallow, [hakusekirei], the bulbul, [shijiyuukara], the sparrow and the gray starling, [onaga], [hashibutogarasu] and [dobato] /13 kind [kosagi] 1, [aosagi] der junge Vogel 2, [karugamo] Vogel 13 bildend ist es junges Geflügeltier 2 des jungen Vogels 11, [kijibato], die Schwalbe, [hakusekirei], der Bulbul, [shijiyuukara], der Spatz und das graue Starling, [onaga], [hashibutogarasu] und [dobato] /13-Art
- weblog title
http://kdo.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/06/200965-3b97.html [kosagi] 1, [aosagi] young bird 2, the mallard ♂1, [karugamo] forming bird 14 it is young bird 10, [kijibato] and [hakusekirei], bulbul voice, [shijiyuukara], the sparrow and the gray starling, [onaga], [hashibutogarasu] and [dobato] /13 kind [kosagi] 1, [aosagi] junger Vogel 2, die Stockente ♂1, [karugamo] Vogel 14 bildend ist es junger Vogel 10, [kijibato] und [hakusekirei], Bulbulstimme, [shijiyuukara], der Spatz und das graue Starling, [onaga], [hashibutogarasu] und [dobato] /13-Art
- Japanese talking
http://kdo.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/04/201046-2a12.html [kosagi] 1, [karugamo] 11, pintail ♂4♀3, [kinkurohajiro] ♂8♀8, [kijibato], bulbul, [shijiyuukara], sparrow and gray starling, [hashibutogarasu] and [dobato] /11 kind [kosagi] 1, [karugamo] 11, Spießente ♂4♀3, [kinkurohajiro] ♂8♀8, [kijibato], Bulbul, [shijiyuukara], Spatz und graues Starling, [hashibutogarasu] und [dobato] /11-Art
- original letters
http://minus12.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-03-06 As for [koitsu] although considerably it was in the vicinity, why the air not being attached?. [tori] which you discover (also the vicinity of the third shoal seaside park includes): [hajirokaitsuburi] and [kawau], teal, [hoshihajiro] and [hidorigamo], pintail, [suzugamo], [himehajiro] and body cancer/gun, bald coot, [aosagi] and [kijibato], hooded gull, [segurokamome], [hakusekirei] and [tahibari], gray starling, bulbul and thrush, [oojiyurin], sparrow, [onaga] and [hashibosogarasu Wie was [koitsu] obgleich beträchtlich es in der Nähe war, warum die Luft, die nicht? angebracht wird. [Tori] das Sie entdecken (auch, die Nähe des dritten Masse-Küsteenparks umfaßt): [hajirokaitsuburi] und [kawau], Knickente, [hoshihajiro] und [hidorigamo], Spießente, [suzugamo], [himehajiro] und Körperkrebs/Gewehr, kahles Blässhuhn, [aosagi] und [kijibato], mit Kapuze Möve, [segurokamome], [hakusekirei] und [tahibari], graues Starling, Bulbul und Drossel, [oojiyurin], Spatz, [onaga] und [hashibosogarasu
Starling, Nature,