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○■ 家の鍵と、車の鍵 、旅に出る... Because the key of the key and the car of the house, the case where it occurs to traveling however it carries, this time, from friend's house the airport, was by the taxi, it kept putting on friend's house, a liberal translation
○■ The roadside tree the sil ver (margin forming don't you think?), the heaven is stimulated (sweetly) the high coming building which, it is similar to the view of the oil painting,, a liberal translation
○■ でも、電気の使用 が制限され... Whether or not so, the life where amount used of electricity is restricted can be allowed, it is possible to change former life, whether or not, will the fact that is tried probably be summer of this year?, a liberal translation
○■ 街路樹に抱きつい どうこうなる... Clinging to the roadside tree, you do not understand how it becomes like this, but when you cling to the wood of the mountain, it is to be warm
Japanese Topics about Street tree, Locality, ...
what is Street tree, Locality, in japanese?
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