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○■ 『旧居留地38番 』 風薫る... 'The former residence stationary area 38th mansion' wind the May which is fragrant
○■ 2011.10.22 (The earth) it is what, however it is your busy weather, after this because tomorrow is a memorial service, when weather recovers, however it is to be grateful
○■ The roadside tree and it was pulled out selfishly, the illegal behavior which plants the rose of sharon which is the Korean symbol in substituting were done
○■ 街路樹もすっかり 葉を付け、目... Also the roadside tree attaches the greenery completely, is dazzling in the eye
○■ 街路樹を植えて数 年、よく育... Planting the roadside tree, several dozen years, being brought up well, the complex and others [se] [te] giving the leaf, furthermore those where the tinted autumn leaves are shown are pleasant thing, but also thing outside supposition happens, a liberal translation
○■ Don't you think? also the roadside tree Sinriyoku was season when bud blowing true green is clean, a liberal translation
○■ 街路樹もだいぶ新 がきれい... The roadside tree considerably Sinriyoku becomes clean, season may face little by little from the spring to early summer
○■ Therefore the roadside tr ee in yellow suburb with the town as for the tow maple and the like it was already cut down, a liberal translation
○■ 最近の画像つき記
[ 画像一... Recent picture being attached article [to picture summary, a liberal translation
○■ Flower of up-to-date arti cle emperor dahlia roadside tree pink small chrysanthemum chrysanthemum “of flower trees and shrubs” category
○■ 「春夏秋冬」カテ リの最新記... The taking over which “spring summer up-to-date article tinted autumn leaves circumstance red ball fall of Siyuutou” category the fragrance rice plant of the sky and the incense stick it cuts and starts
○■ このブログの人気 事
昨夜... Popularity article last night of this [burogu] the [ukotsukei] egg, reservation enters with strong wind increase in yen value
○■ Up-to-date article capita l city “of weblog” category high - the roadside tree of Kandabasi 15 the tinted autumn leaves as for weather of 1 - Yokohama which starts light rain present [razonamaihueibaritsuto] - the candy, a liberal translation
○■ 街路樹・庭園樹と て広く用い... It is used widely as a roadside tree garden tree
Street tree,
Japanese Topics about Street tree, Locality, ...
what is Street tree, Locality, in japanese?
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