- The calendar entered late fall.
http://blog.livedoor.jp/izakaya_matsuri/archives/51974606.html This year it was year of poor harvest of mushroom truly 今年它真实地是年蘑菇恶劣的收获
- Today cloudiness.
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/chishou_november/e/2a8228bcdf7be0808779c84d19abc86f The present photograph the varieties - - - tried taking those which are attached to the eye suitably 当前照片试验过的品种- - -采取适宜地附有眼睛的那些
- The Asian Hizakurige (Singapore)
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/kennyrsr21/64804386.html Now the tenement house wind store of fixing 现在定象经济公寓住宅风商店
Street tree, Locality,