- In 5th Month - ♪ thought [hu
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/the5starlit/44529703.html The flowering dogwood increasing extremely to the roadside tree, [saiko] (^o^) 丿 [u] exhausting [] Sinriyoku, green, shining young, don't you think? the [ru] - - - wonderful it is dazzling Le cornouiller fleurissant grimpant extrêmement jusqu'à l'arbre de bord de la route, [saiko] (^o^) le 丿 [u] [] Sinriyoku épuisant, vert, jeune brillant, ne pensez-vous pas ? [RU] - - - merveilleux il brille
- The sixth grade it seems stately singing/stating song “snow”
http://showsky.at.webry.info/201201/article_11.html The roadside tree the silver (margin forming don't you think?), the heaven is stimulated (sweetly) the high coming building which, it is similar to the view of the oil painting,, a liberal translation L'arbre de bord de la route l'argenté (formation de marge vous ne pensez pas ?), le ciel est stimulé (gentiment) le haut prochain bâtiment qui, il est semblable à la vue de la peinture à l'huile,
- The flower you do not see and start and bloom, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/mimoza1216/e/2eee88677888e0715ffe3284b7b02e29 Being planted, doing to reach as the roadside tree it became the flower which you happen to see here and there, a liberal translation Étant planté, faisant pour atteindre car l'arbre de bord de la route il est devenu la fleur que vous vous avérez justement voir ici et là
Street tree, Locality,