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○■ It is the eccentric who e vacuates to Asahikawa from Yokohama in 2009 2 end of the month but…
○■ **************... The sto ry *************** of the book *************** classified by reference * with devastating damage as for the deceased already, when happening to 20,000,000, the enormous earthquake that it is not strange,
○■ As for seismic center eno rmously distant [tsu] Poka [tsu] seed
○■ 震源地は首都ワシ トンから約... As for epicenter from capital city Washington near Virginia mineral of approximately 141 kilometer southwest, as for depth of seismic center approximately 5.9 kilometers, a liberal translation
○■ 1,2,3 in the machine of t he Fukushima 1st nuclear plant, the cooling function was broken completely
○■ 気象庁は青森県か 千葉・房総... As for Meteorological Agency setting the range north and south approximately 600km and the east west approximately 350km which center the sea area of the Chiba room entire peninsular open sea from Aomori prefecture to the aftershock limits, as for earthquake above m4 which occurred by the way inside the limits, before the earthquake disaster
○■ Earthquake is already bor ingly
○■ 今日で微動停止2日 目です... It is tremor stop 2nd day at today
○■ It escaped to the road in any case
○■ それはそうだと思 ないか?... As for that you don't think that so is? For Olympic participation, being severe, poignant Olympic preliminary round the behavior itself which underdeveloped country, which makes also the devotion of the athlete who fought small foolish, what compared to Cambodia the finish is disdained, a liberal translation
○■ But nevertheless, the poo rness
○■ 東日本大震災を受 、同会議は... East Japanese large earthquake disaster is received, the same meeting begins the second look at gearing damage supposition Tokai and the southeast sea, concerning three earthquakes of Nankai,
○■ April 7th 23:32 as for ea rthquake, as for size of method of shaking in Tokyo as for great thing it was not, but the place where “the time when it is long it continues to shake” having been similar to March earthquake, that, as my individual “with special care, although it was at the point where feeling settles, in addition returning to the origin?”With you thought
○■ 私は、 権力欲にと らわれた... I was caught to power desire, you have become the “naked king”, 菅 Naoto as for responsibility of the humans who acquire the member of the Diet batch which cannot stop the worst situation which continues to remain with Japan and the Japanese citizen as a sacrifice you think that quite it is heavy,
○■ And, change [] of body, a liberal translation
○■ くどいようですが 新しい民... It seems the wordy way, but new Democratic party representation, furthermore with general election being the case that it is confided as prime minister candidacy from the voter even when without, in addition way simply one time with national election victory it has not done is the case that it means “the successor” of the poor human
○■ In yesterday 7/9 from Sud an southern part separating & becoming independent, it becomes 54th independency in Africa, “south Sudanese republic” was born
○■ ◆コメント:地震 後、ヘラ... * Comment: After the earthquake, as for the person who the spatula spatula has been done being many that you thought whether it is foolish but…
○■ It is words in the news, but when you read and/or hear these, although it is the Japanese news, the fact that the Japanese media does not convey is reported
○■ 福島原発事故は天 で終わってた... Although it has ended with natural disaster, posterior processing being unpalatable, it designated Fukushima nuclear accident as accident, a liberal translation
○■ In Omaezaki city which ha s the Hamaoka nuclear plant we suppose the tidal wave of 21 meters, the Chubu Electric Power Co., Ltd. has constructed the anti wave wall of 18 meters, but with this it means that is not useful
○■ 津波は場所によっ 30mの高さ... The tidal wave reached to the height of 30m depending upon the place, erased the whole town
○■ East Japanese large earth quake disaster between sl was called “Miyagi open sea earthquake”, but “as for 30 year occurrence probability 99%”…
○■ 写真1〜5
身延町 『本栖湖』か... Photograph 1 - 'This 栖 lake' empty 5:10 of 5 Minobu Cho it photographed in about
○■ Now morning still does no t verify the tremor of 132 seconds or the irregular tremor other than that
○■ アメリカ軍の地震 器ハープが引... The US military it is something which the US military earthquake weapon harp pulls up
○■ But, at all, it is not ac customed to the kind of feeling which does Hanami
○■ 9日午後4時18 ごろ、近畿地... 9th 4:18 PM around, focusing on Kinki district there was an earthquake, observed the shaking of seismic intensity 3 with the Osaka prefecture, a liberal translation
○■ ☆☆ & the Ibaraki pref ecture open sea * 2011 April 09th 16:32 seismic intensity of Meteorological Agency announcement every place is as follows, a liberal translation
○■ mittermeierさんの投.. . mittermeier you contributed woman staff Endo of the [u] prevention of disasters radio it is [burogu] of the not yet rare master