- The Mt. Fuji 7.8 Fuji estuary lake Cho Asakawa area 'Fuji Yamakita base [hi] [gu] which good morning is it seems the diary' (south Pacific Ocean earthquake)
http://blog.livedoor.jp/tenshi828/archives/1612912.html Photograph 1 - 5 Fuji estuary lake Cho estuary lake 'Asakawa area' empty 4:30 it photographed in about, a liberal translation 4:30 Fotographie1 - 5 des Fuji-Mündungsee Cho Mündungsee „Asakawa Bereichs“ leeres, das es innen ungefähr fotografierte
- 1.2 Fuji Yoshida city north Fuji training ground 'Fuji Yamakita base [hi] [gu] which good morning is it seems the diary' (from New Year's Day [guragura]) << 6425 >>, a liberal translation
http://blog.livedoor.jp/tenshi828/archives/1691410.html Photograph 1 -' Empty 6 near 5 Fuji Yoshida city 'north Fuji training ground first go:25 it photographed in about, a liberal translation Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- 11.23 Yamanaka Lake village 'Fuji Yamakita base [hi] [gu] which good morning is it seems the diary' (the Hokkaido University earthquake volcanic observation center) << 6027 >>, a liberal translation
http://blog.livedoor.jp/tenshi828/archives/1675229.html Photograph 1 - Capital park' empty 6 of 5 Yamanaka Lake village 'flower:10 it photographed in passing extent Fotographie 1 - Hauptpark leeren 6 5 Yamanaka des See-Dorfs 'Blume: 10, die es fotografierte, wenn es Umfang führte
- The capital park 'Fuji Yamakita base [hi] [gu] of 1.12 Yamanaka Lake village flower which good morning is it seems the diary' (the earthquake cloud of yesterday) << 6543 >>, a liberal translation
http://blog.livedoor.jp/tenshi828/archives/1695137.html Photograph 1 - Capital park' empty 6 of 5 Yamanaka Lake village 'flower:10 it photographed in passing extent Fotographie 1 - Hauptpark leeren 6 5 Yamanaka des See-Dorfs 'Blume: 10, die es fotografierte, wenn es Umfang führte
- Main 栖 lake 'Fuji Yamakita base [hi] [gu] of 9.30 Minobu Cho which good morning is it seems the diary' (during earthquake light period) << 5542 >>, a liberal translation
http://blog.livedoor.jp/tenshi828/archives/1650272.html Photograph 1 - 'This 栖 lake' empty 5:10 of 5 Minobu Cho it photographed in about Fotographie 1 - leeres 5:10 „dieses 栖 Sees“ von 5 Minobu Cho, das es innen ungefähr fotografierte
Magnitude, Reportage, Anime, Science,