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○■ Earthquake information (i nformation regarding seismic center seismic intensity) 2012 March 26th 8:3 Meteorological Agency announcement present 26th 07:37 around there was an earthquake
○■ 地震の神様は原発 近くがお好... God like earthquake the circumstances which like the vicinity of the nuclear plant
○■ Earthquake prediction ins tantly the discontinuance
○■ 原発事故を起こし 引き金は津... Perhaps, the trigger which causes nuclear accident it was the tidal wave, but it does naturally, it means that what does not do the measure which should is problem
○■ The business scholar of a tomic energy village is valued, “melt down has not done”, “it is safe”, that repeatedly it started, a liberal translation
○■ 今朝は静穏で軋み もなかった... It is now morning being calm, 軋 to see and not to have either sound, but before what being off-center without [zudodon] and sound, when someone closing the door under the floor, when it slipped the hand kana - with you think it was the earthquake whose m2.9 is shallow near Kyoto city
○■ Today is cool from mornin g, a liberal translation
○■ だから「原発が止 ると困る」... Therefore “when the nuclear plant stops, it is to be troubled”
○■ You think the thing where and especially, this author the long medulla 彦 had allotted the chapter of description to relationship, that conversely this long medulla 彦 historical fact of 饒 fast day life the fact that the truth fact which never we would not like you to know is concealed is indicated truly in the populace of the Japanese for eight 咫 crows and others,
○■ これが直下m7ク ス(震度6... When we assume that this is falling perpendicularly m7 class (seismic intensity 6 level), we fear rather, the shank
○■ At this tidal wave, is as sumed that in twill village village it reached to 38.5m,
○■ この法則は小さい 震と大きい... As for this law small earthquake as for frequency of occurrence of large earthquake being something which is relationship of proportion, in case of Nankan east area in 1 year earthquake of magnitude 3 100 has become times 1/10
○■ Popularity article abrupt [pi] of this [burogu] [pi
○■ 「義。而後利者栄 ではないけ... “Justice. However the interest person glory after the 而” is not, as for having the companion who thinks of the interest of destination you think that it becomes important,
○■ From “you have excerpte d amateur detective group sweetly”
○■ 「日常」カテゴリ 最新記事... Up-to-date article you tube Toei Co., Ltd. special 撮 series “of daily” category start of no charge transmission, a liberal translation
○■ “Earthquake prediction, Tokyo University professor, publishing the discontinuance to the English magazine instantly”
○■ 震度5弱の強い揺 に見舞われ... The employee of convenience store of Fuji estuary lake Cho town which is visited in the shaking whose seismic intensity 5 or less is strong (53), after the earthquake occurring [gantsu] and the forcing shaking coming “at a stroke from under concerning the circumstance of the time, big roll about 1 minutes was felt immediately after that
○■ After the Fukushima first nuclear accident, the nuclear plant is and the citizen threatens after, a liberal translation
○■ 文部科学省地震調 研究推進本... With appraisal of the education scientific economical earthquake research and study propulsion headquarters, the magnitude which from now on designates the location area of the Hamaoka nuclear plant as the seismic center within 30 years (as for the possibility Tokai earthquake of m) 8 occurring 87%, quite it has impended
○■ Earthquake panel receivin g earthquake disaster, had announced that probability of earthquake occurrence increased so far the cow 伏 temple fault of Nagano prefecture, the Tachikawa fault band which from Saitama prefecture extends over Tokyo, concerning three active faults of the Futaba fault which from Miyagi prefecture extends over Fukushima prefecture
○■ 今年の出来事で最 のものは、... Largest ones east Japanese large earthquake disaster) probably will be in the occurrence of this year
○■ But, the tidal wave of th e study group high exceeded 3 meters also anti wave walls
○■ ここのところ昔ほ ではないが... Is not about the place former times here, but earthquake starts occurring,, a liberal translation
○■ Appears to the mean laugh ing entertainer where i am disgusting that a mean laughter entertainer with olympics participation as the material appears (Olympic participation is designated as news item, to see, the [tsu] it accompanies)!, a liberal translation
○■ firstly you sh... firstly you should check the present furnace state of mind directly to make nuclear POWER generation an abolished furnace safely speedy (to be fast to make [hukushimanobuiri] safely closing down a reactor, it should check the state of the current core directly in beginning,)!, a liberal translation
○■ July 25th 03: At the magn itude 6.2 which 51 time occurs with the Fukushima prefecture open sea largest seismic intensity 5 or less the earthquake which is
○■ 3月11日午後に東北 三陸沖... March 11th in the afternoon the northeast Aomori, Iwate, and Miyagi Prefectures open sea largest major earthquake in the domestic observation history, magnitude 9.0 which occurred on the center
○■ 2012/01/01, a liberal tra nslation
○■ 246.20キロの深さと 源... Depth and epicenter of 246.20 kilometers were decided, at the beginning when it is 7.1050 degree south latitude and 127.5468 degree east longitude,