- BBC_TopGear
http://twitter.com/BBC_TopGear RT @BBC_TopGear: Somebody in Japan has made a real-life
- Encouraging to east Japanese large earthquake disaster - 30
http://newfnet.blog62.fc2.com/blog-entry-480.html March 11th, the east Japanese large earthquake disaster which designates the Aomori, Iwate, and Miyagi Prefectures open seas which record the maximum magnitude 9.0 in domestic observation history as the seismic center occurred, a liberal translation Março 1ø, o grande disastre japonês do leste do terremoto que designa o Aomori, o Iwate, e os mares abertos das prefeituras de Miyagi que gravam o valor máximo 9.0 na história doméstica da observação como o centro sísmico ocorreu
- Powerful aftershock jolts northeast Japan, a liberal translation
http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90777/90851/7346636.html 1 months ago, levelled earthquake of magnitude 9.0 and town, caused the tidal wave of high 15 meters, attacked Japan…, a liberal translation 1 mês há, o terremoto nivelado do valor 9.0 e a cidade, causados a onda maré da elevação 15 medidores, Japão atacado…
- From 1 rank among news 10 ranks of this year when WSJ observes 5 rank, a liberal translation
http://bbknj884.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/12/wsj1015-3a21.html March 11th in the afternoon the northeast Aomori, Iwate, and Miyagi Prefectures open sea largest major earthquake in the domestic observation history, magnitude 9.0 which occurred on the center Março 1ø na tarde o Aomori do nordeste, o Iwate, e o terremoto principal o maior na história doméstica da observação, valor 9.0 de mar aberto das prefeituras de Miyagi que ocorreu no centro
- denpa hasshin �� minshu tou kengi
http://crutonpapa.at.webry.info/201104/article_84.html The northeast local Pacific Ocean open sea earthquake which occurs on March 11th (east Japanese large earthquake disaster) O terremoto local do nordeste do mar aberto do Oceano Pacífico que ocorre março em 1ø (o grande disastre para o leste japonês do terremoto)
Magnitude, Reportage, Anime, Science,