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○■ でも悔しいのが、 末は天気悪... So to be vexatious, weekend although weather it is bad, [mechiya] weather it is good when it is work day,, a liberal translation
○■ So, yesterday Kyushu nort h section ending of Bai-u! Looking at news, it will be a little relieved
○■ そこに大家さんが 事が出来た... It came to calling that the expert could do the meal there,
○■ This time it seems that v ictory rises to [hakusekirei
○■ こちらのルートは ルフ場の中... As for this route as the inside of the golf-course becomes the route for the hiker,, a liberal translation
○■ The [ku] - you are hard o n and [chi] [ya] useless obtain!!! The ice 峨 contacts with the shoal tail
○■ お気に入りは、ツ デレ女王の... Favorite is the month sea of the [tsundere] queen, but considerably we like the pine and joining and also the snowflakes
○■ The usual camera was carried
○■ あそびにいくヨ! ★★☆☆☆... [yo] which goes to play! ★★☆☆☆ extra knowledge: It is not last expectation: ★×1~3 one word: But contents the sensitivity, sprouting it may be, because is, you expect to future
○■ The ⇒ where your 1 clic ks become encouragement
○■ 「紅葉ヶ池」のと り木には,... “The tinted autumn leaves, now morning the kingfisher XXFEM had stopped in the stopping wood of the pond”., a liberal translation
○■ In “Danjo bridge” vic inity, today the Japanese white-eye picked the flower of the plum., a liberal translation
○■ 「ツバメ返し」に クセキレイ... “The swallow to return”, [hakusekirei] defensive fight on the one hand?
○■ * [obashigi] with 8 feath ers, the inside 2 feathers is young the bird, a liberal translation
○■ 2011年元旦の朝、... Morning of 2011 New Year's Day,
○■ Present run: 30km, 3 hour 04 minute 00 second present wild birds: Sparrow, bulbul and gray starling, [kijibato], [hashibosogarasu] and [segurosekirei], thrush, [isohiyodori], skylark
○■ 昨日も別の公園を ったら、シ... When also yesterday passed by another park, you looked at the crowd about of 20 feathers with just [shime
○■ Therefore it hurries and the diary would like to write on the eye -, a liberal translation
○■ そんなに用心深い ですが、猛... So, it is the cautious bird, but there are also times when it is attacked in the predatory bird, so is, a liberal translation
○■ そういえば杭の上 何時間でも...
○■ セグロセキレイさ が道路際の土...
○■ オオカミさんも見 きかと思って... May be linked to more detailed information..
○■ 途中では民家の庭 で咲いている... It offers Japanese Trend , bandwagons , epidemic and Recent fashion in English.
○■ こちらは、公園内 野球場の脇に... As for this, there is a side of the baseball field inside the park, it is at the point where the zelkova tree takes on autumnal tints
○■ Wagtail - pure engagement - t shirt. Handle black m ●copyright paradise institute 櫻 child/[sukuueaenitsukusu] wagtail plan - Wagtail plan and restarting! 'Wagtail - pure engagement whose participation of the unique wagtail every week is long in coming -' from it is appearance of the apparel goods, a liberal translation
○■ 池の畔の草むらで オジロとカ... [hoojiro] and [kashiradaka] had searched the feed actively with the bush of the levee of the pond, a liberal translation
○■ As for making the calling voice resound which from the river it passes well [kaitsuburi, a liberal translation
○■ 寒いような,そう もないよう... It seems the cold way, so it seems that is not., a liberal translation
○■ School Revelations highsc hool of the dead act3democracyunderthedead
○■ 伝説の勇者の伝説 第5話目覚... Legendary 5th story of the hero of legend the world where it starts awaking, a liberal translation